How to Find School Wifi Password on Chromebook

How to Find School Wifi Password on Chromebook
Justin Langer
Justin Langer Stay-at-Home Dad Turned PC Expert June 03, 2023

Are you a student or teacher who uses a Chromebook to access school wifi? Have you ever forgotten the school wifi password and struggled to find it on your Chromebook? In this article, we will explore different methods to find school wifi password on Chromebook and provide tips on responsible use of school wifi.

How to Find School Wifi Password on Chromebook

To find your school wifi password on a Chromebook, go to the settings and click on the wifi icon. Then, click on the network you want to connect to and select "show password." You will need to enter your Chromebook password to view the wifi password.

Understanding Chromebook and School Wifi

A Chromebook is a laptop or tablet that runs on Google's Chrome OS operating system. It is designed to be used primarily while connected to the internet and relies heavily on cloud-based applications. Many schools use Chromebooks as a cost-effective way to provide students with access to technology. School wifi is a wireless network that allows students and teachers to connect to the internet and access online resources.

Why Do You Need to Find School Wifi Password on Chromebook?

There are several reasons why you might need to find the school wifi password on your Chromebook. For example, you may have forgotten the password or need to connect a new device to the network. Additionally, some schools change their wifi passwords periodically for security reasons, so you may need to update your Chromebook's settings to connect to the network.

Methods to Find School Wifi Password on Chromebook

Method 1: Check with School IT Department

If you are unable to locate the school wifi password on your Chromebook, the first step is to contact your school's IT department. They should be able to provide you with the password or instructions on how to reset it. When contacting the IT department, be sure to provide your name, the name of your school, and any other relevant information they may need to assist you.

Method 2: Check Chromebook Settings

If you have previously connected to the school wifi network on your Chromebook, you can find the password in your Chromebook settings. To do this, click on the network icon in the bottom right corner of your screen, select the school wifi network, and click on the "Wi-Fi network" button. From there, you should be able to see the password for the network.

Method 3: Use Third-Party Apps

There are several third-party apps available that can help you find school wifi passwords on your Chromebook. However, it is important to use these apps with caution and only download them from reputable sources. Some popular apps include WiFi Password Recovery and WiFi Key Recovery.

Tips and Precautions

Tip 1: Keep the Password Safe

It is important to keep the school wifi password safe and not share it with anyone who is not authorized to use it. This helps to prevent unauthorized access to the network and protects sensitive information.

Tip 2: Avoid Unauthorized Access

Unauthorized access to school wifi can have serious consequences, including disciplinary action and legal repercussions. Always use school wifi for educational purposes only and do not attempt to access restricted websites or content.

Precaution: Use the Methods Responsibly

When using any of the methods mentioned above to find school wifi passwords on your Chromebook, it is important to do so responsibly. Avoid using these methods to gain unauthorized access to the network or to violate school policies. Always seek permission from school administrators before attempting to access the network.


In conclusion, finding school wifi password on Chromebook can be a simple process if you know where to look. By following the methods outlined in this article and using school wifi responsibly, you can ensure that you have access to the resources you need to succeed in your education.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find my school password on my Chromebook?

To find your school Wi-Fi password on your Chromebook, go to the settings and click on the Wi-Fi network you are connected to. Then, click on the 'network' tab and select 'show password'. You will be prompted to enter your Chromebook password, and once you do, the Wi-Fi password will be displayed.

How can I see my Wi-Fi password on my Chromebook?

To see your Wi-Fi password on your Chromebook, go to the settings and click on the Wi-Fi network you are connected to. Then, click on the 'network' tab and select 'show password'. You will be prompted to enter your Chromebook password, and once you do, the Wi-Fi password will be displayed.

How do I connect to school Wi-Fi on Chromebook?

To connect to school Wi-Fi on your Chromebook, go to the settings and click on the Wi-Fi icon. Select the school Wi-Fi network from the list of available networks and enter the Wi-Fi password. Once you have entered the password, click 'connect' and you should be connected to the school Wi-Fi.

How do I share my school Wi-Fi password from my Chromebook to my phone?

To share your school Wi-Fi password from your Chromebook to your phone, go to the settings and click on the Wi-Fi network you are connected to. Then, click on the 'network' tab and select 'share'. You will be prompted to enter your Chromebook password, and once you do, a QR code will be generated. Scan the QR code with your phone's camera and you should be connected to the school Wi-Fi.

What do I do if I don't know the school Wi-Fi password for my Chromebook?

If you don't know the school Wi-Fi password for your Chromebook, you can ask your teacher or school IT administrator for the password. They should be able to provide you with the password or help you connect to the school Wi-Fi network.

Can I change the school Wi-Fi password on my Chromebook?

No, you cannot change the school Wi-Fi password on your Chromebook. Only the school IT administrator has the authority to change the password.

What if I am having trouble connecting to the school Wi-Fi on my Chromebook?

If you are having trouble connecting to the school Wi-Fi on your Chromebook, make sure you are entering the correct Wi-Fi password. If you are still having trouble, try restarting your Chromebook or contacting your school IT administrator for assistance.